What is the Smart Start Pathway Course?
The course is designed to train and educate individuals in need of basic education and job readiness skills. Individuals have the opportunity to earn the National Career Readiness Certificate demonstrating to employers they have the skills needed to be successful in a job.
How long is the Smart Start Pathway Course?
The course can be taken face-to-face, hybrid, or in the online format, Canvas. Some workshops offered by Smart Start can be completed in 1 to 8 weeks. Since Smart Start attempts to meet the different needs of program participants, each program outline is created to meet the needs of each program participant. We recommend you meet with your career counselor to choose the route best for you.
How is Smart Start beneficial to me as a student?
Even though the course prepares you for middle-skill employment, individuals who enroll and complete the Smart Start Pathway Course are seeing more advancement toward long term employment placement than those who do not complete the course.
I work part-time and need to study for my high school equivalency diploma, but I want to increase my work-ready skills, too. Is there another option to take the Smart Start Pathway Course than face-to-face classes?
Smart Start is available completely online through the online format, Canvas. This allows for individuals to participate in the exact content that is taught in the face-to-face classroom. Since the online format is required to mirror the face-to-face class, you’ll need to make sure to meet with your instructor to sort out all the details.